Configuration['CM_PERMISSION_CAN_MANAGE_COMMUNITY_MODERATION'] = false; $Context->Configuration['CM_PERMISSION_CAN_MODERATE'] = false; $Context->Configuration['CM_PERMISSION_CAN_META_MODERATE'] = false; $Context->Configuration['CM_PERMISSION_IMMUNE_TO_MODERATION'] = false; $Context->Configuration['CM_PERMISSION_NO_MAXIMUM_POINTS'] = false; $Context->Configuration['CM_PERMISSION_CAN_RE_MODERATE'] = false; $Context->Configuration['CM_PERMISSION_CAN_RE_META_MODERATE'] = false; $Context->Configuration['CM_PERMISSION_UNLIMITED_MODERATION_VOTES'] = false; $Context->Configuration['CM_PERMISSION_CAN_MODERATE_OWN_COMMENTS'] = false; $Context->Configuration['CM_PERMISSION_CAN_MODERATE_OWN_DISCUSSIONS'] = false; $Context->Configuration['CM_PERMISSION_CAN_MODERATE_AND_META_MODERATE_SAME_COMMENT'] = false; $Context->Configuration['CM_PERMISSION_CAN_RE_MODERATE_USERS'] = false; $Context->Configuration['CM_PERMISSION_CAN_VIEW_USER_POINTS'] = false; $Context->Configuration['CM_PERMISSION_CAN_VIEW_OWN_POINTS'] = false; $Context->Configuration['CM_PERMISSION_CAN_VIEW_USER_POINTS_HISTORY'] = false; $Context->Configuration['CM_PERMISSION_CAN_VIEW_OWN_POINTS_HISTORY'] = false; $Context->Configuration['CM_PERMISSION_CAN_SEE_UP_VOTES'] = false; $Context->Configuration['CM_PERMISSION_CAN_SEE_DOWN_VOTES'] = false; function CM_Role_DefineRolePermissions(&$Role) { $Role->AddPermission('CM_PERMISSION_CAN_MANAGE_COMMUNITY_MODERATION'); $Role->AddPermission('CM_PERMISSION_CAN_MODERATE'); $Role->AddPermission('CM_PERMISSION_CAN_META_MODERATE'); $Role->AddPermission('CM_PERMISSION_IMMUNE_TO_MODERATION'); $Role->AddPermission('CM_PERMISSION_NO_MAXIMUM_POINTS'); $Role->AddPermission('CM_PERMISSION_CAN_RE_MODERATE'); $Role->AddPermission('CM_PERMISSION_CAN_RE_META_MODERATE'); $Role->AddPermission('CM_PERMISSION_UNLIMITED_MODERATION_VOTES'); $Role->AddPermission('CM_PERMISSION_CAN_MODERATE_OWN_COMMENTS'); $Role->AddPermission('CM_PERMISSION_CAN_MODERATE_OWN_DISCUSSIONS'); $Role->AddPermission('CM_PERMISSION_CAN_MODERATE_AND_META_MODERATE_SAME_COMMENT'); $Role->AddPermission('CM_PERMISSION_CAN_RE_MODERATE_USERS'); $Role->AddPermission('CM_PERMISSION_CAN_VIEW_USER_POINTS'); $Role->AddPermission('CM_PERMISSION_CAN_VIEW_OWN_POINTS'); $Role->AddPermission('CM_PERMISSION_CAN_VIEW_USER_POINTS_HISTORY'); $Role->AddPermission('CM_PERMISSION_CAN_VIEW_OWN_POINTS_HISTORY'); $Role->AddPermission('CM_PERMISSION_CAN_SEE_UP_VOTES'); $Role->AddPermission('CM_PERMISSION_CAN_SEE_DOWN_VOTES'); } $Context->AddToDelegate('Role', 'DefineRolePermissions', 'CM_Role_DefineRolePermissions'); ?> Red Skies | Urban Terror | Forum - App.
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    • CommentTimeNov 7th 2009
      0 points
    Cheers, you are 2 1/2 hours behind me. What's a good time for you to play (your time)? I'm keen for a 1v1 right now if you are.

    SubJunk - Rocket teh ninja
    • CommentTimeNov 7th 2009
      0 points
    what server ?
    • CommentTimeNov 7th 2009
      0 points
    Hmmm. RSG Aus is empty. See you there.

    SubJunk - Rocket teh ninja
    • CommentTimeNov 7th 2009 edited
      0 points
    ifly, post your demo here please. You will need to put it into a zip folder and you may need to rename the zip folder, or the forums will reject it. Here's my demo of the 1v1 we just had. Overall I am happy with his performance. Although he does seem to have a bit of trouble finding the enemy if they do a "drive by" (attack from front while moving fast, then zooming behind them and reattacking). He is good at CTF (moreso than me anyways xD, cus he actually concentrates of flag caps, not kills). ifly, do you have you're FOV set to 90degrees?
    I had to lol a few times in this match cus I was WAY to cocky at some points and just went and got myself killed =P
    Anyways, here it is, ifly's should be following (if it hasn't already been uploaded while I've been rambling).
    Btw, thanks for respecting the 1v1 and not intruding Limmy. I can't say the same about spads (who I kicked using warnings... can we please have kicking powers in the RS servers?!?!?!). Also, I would like to take this opportunity to point out that our server titles still read RSG.Red-Skies-Guild, not RS.Red.Skies(.Clan?)

    SubJunk - Rocket teh ninja
    • CommentTimeNov 7th 2009
      0 points
    Spec'ing ifly most of the time.
    • CommentTimeNov 7th 2009
      0 points
    Cheers c.

    SubJunk - Rocket teh ninja
    • CommentTimeNov 7th 2009
      0 points
    im doing it now it got rejected :|
    • CommentTimeNov 7th 2009
      0 points
    Lol, have you saved it as a .zip and renamed it to something that doesn't have a "." in it anywhere except between the name and the "zip"?

    SubJunk - Rocket teh ninja
    • CommentTimeNov 7th 2009
      0 points
    yes its called
    i keep gitting an error.

    btw i got confused when it was ctf thats why i went for caps. if your on when im on we can tdm or ts?
    • CommentTimeNov 7th 2009 edited
      0 points
    Not open to man love? That's fine just pretend I'm a chick.
    I can't be bothered watching the demo's when do you wanna 1v1 me ifly.

    Edit: You have Xfire/msn?