Configuration['CM_PERMISSION_CAN_MANAGE_COMMUNITY_MODERATION'] = false; $Context->Configuration['CM_PERMISSION_CAN_MODERATE'] = false; $Context->Configuration['CM_PERMISSION_CAN_META_MODERATE'] = false; $Context->Configuration['CM_PERMISSION_IMMUNE_TO_MODERATION'] = false; $Context->Configuration['CM_PERMISSION_NO_MAXIMUM_POINTS'] = false; $Context->Configuration['CM_PERMISSION_CAN_RE_MODERATE'] = false; $Context->Configuration['CM_PERMISSION_CAN_RE_META_MODERATE'] = false; $Context->Configuration['CM_PERMISSION_UNLIMITED_MODERATION_VOTES'] = false; $Context->Configuration['CM_PERMISSION_CAN_MODERATE_OWN_COMMENTS'] = false; $Context->Configuration['CM_PERMISSION_CAN_MODERATE_OWN_DISCUSSIONS'] = false; $Context->Configuration['CM_PERMISSION_CAN_MODERATE_AND_META_MODERATE_SAME_COMMENT'] = false; $Context->Configuration['CM_PERMISSION_CAN_RE_MODERATE_USERS'] = false; $Context->Configuration['CM_PERMISSION_CAN_VIEW_USER_POINTS'] = false; $Context->Configuration['CM_PERMISSION_CAN_VIEW_OWN_POINTS'] = false; $Context->Configuration['CM_PERMISSION_CAN_VIEW_USER_POINTS_HISTORY'] = false; $Context->Configuration['CM_PERMISSION_CAN_VIEW_OWN_POINTS_HISTORY'] = false; $Context->Configuration['CM_PERMISSION_CAN_SEE_UP_VOTES'] = false; $Context->Configuration['CM_PERMISSION_CAN_SEE_DOWN_VOTES'] = false; function CM_Role_DefineRolePermissions(&$Role) { $Role->AddPermission('CM_PERMISSION_CAN_MANAGE_COMMUNITY_MODERATION'); $Role->AddPermission('CM_PERMISSION_CAN_MODERATE'); $Role->AddPermission('CM_PERMISSION_CAN_META_MODERATE'); $Role->AddPermission('CM_PERMISSION_IMMUNE_TO_MODERATION'); $Role->AddPermission('CM_PERMISSION_NO_MAXIMUM_POINTS'); $Role->AddPermission('CM_PERMISSION_CAN_RE_MODERATE'); $Role->AddPermission('CM_PERMISSION_CAN_RE_META_MODERATE'); $Role->AddPermission('CM_PERMISSION_UNLIMITED_MODERATION_VOTES'); $Role->AddPermission('CM_PERMISSION_CAN_MODERATE_OWN_COMMENTS'); $Role->AddPermission('CM_PERMISSION_CAN_MODERATE_OWN_DISCUSSIONS'); $Role->AddPermission('CM_PERMISSION_CAN_MODERATE_AND_META_MODERATE_SAME_COMMENT'); $Role->AddPermission('CM_PERMISSION_CAN_RE_MODERATE_USERS'); $Role->AddPermission('CM_PERMISSION_CAN_VIEW_USER_POINTS'); $Role->AddPermission('CM_PERMISSION_CAN_VIEW_OWN_POINTS'); $Role->AddPermission('CM_PERMISSION_CAN_VIEW_USER_POINTS_HISTORY'); $Role->AddPermission('CM_PERMISSION_CAN_VIEW_OWN_POINTS_HISTORY'); $Role->AddPermission('CM_PERMISSION_CAN_SEE_UP_VOTES'); $Role->AddPermission('CM_PERMISSION_CAN_SEE_DOWN_VOTES'); } $Context->AddToDelegate('Role', 'DefineRolePermissions', 'CM_Role_DefineRolePermissions'); ?> Red Skies | Urban Terror | Forum - App.
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    • CommentTimeNov 7th 2009 edited
      0 points
    I really like RSG and joined the forum a while ago as i knew some members, but then went inactive. ( but now active)
    Sub told me to post an app, so ill write a little profile.

    Game Name: 'ifly.
    Played For: almost 1 year.
    Gametypes: CTF and TS
    Location: South Australia
    Servers: games on net #1 or 2, ISE, 3n3my ts, wTf jump zones, RSG.
    Previous Clans: none, but im part of the anzac comunity, i was invited to =rB=, but wasnt keen.
    Why RSG: Your not a clan that wars all the time, your more tactical than any other clan. and not sore losers.
    Other: I enjoy jumping alot, and am quite well known on the icy servers. Im also quite regular.

    If theres any other questions please let me know.
    *I understand joining is quite hard, but ill do whatever it takes to prove myself :D

    EDIT: xfire = ifkingloveyou (ifly was taken :@) add me!
    • CommentTimeNov 7th 2009
      0 points
    What gamestyle do you class yourself as (e.g defence, attack, flag runner, support, sniper, medic, etc)?
    What weapon layouts do you usually use (feel free to specify more than one)?
    Do you have a very good sense of humour?
    I see you enjoy jumping, but are you any good at jumping on regular servers?
    First impressions are always good and you have left a good impression on me :bigsmile: I'd love to have a 1v1 sometime to see how good you are. I like to think of myself as the resident sniper, but I'm not the only person that's handy with a sniper in the clan, and I'm certainly no pro.

    Oh, and please note that I am not an admin so I can't give you a spot in RS, but I can certainly try to influence the leaders :wink:

    SubJunk - Rocket teh ninja
  1.   0 points
    i remember seeing ifly around the servers and haven't had any troubles with him (that i can recall) lol

    as long as you play good and haz senses of humor yay

    p.s. i'm coming back to australia next year sub, around april so can probably play more then~
    • CommentTimeNov 7th 2009
      0 points
    thanks rocket :D

    What gamestyle do you class yourself as (e.g defence, attack, flag runner, support, sniper, medic, etc)? I'm a good medic, always like to medic my my team, not the best defender, great flag runner, in ctf ill always find a good route and stick to it. i can support, but always fear of friendly fire :|, can be a good sniper. not a good hider, i like to rush into it, and get a 2 on 1'd :( , but im practicing slowing down my game is ts. Overall, Medic, Flag runner, and attack. always willing to learn other styles. as RS is very tactical.

    What weapon layouts do you usually use (feel free to specify more than one)? normally Lr300, Berreta or DE (depends) Kelvar, silencer, medkit. I like to pick up nades aswell :P other is sr8, UMP, either pistol, kelvar + med. I lost interest in laser as people use it to find my location. i now dont fear to look around corners quickly.

    Do you have a very good sense of humour? Yes very good sense of humour.

    I see you enjoy jumping, but are you any good at jumping on regular servers? Well i can finish almost every icy map, pretty good normal jumper, good ingame as i enjoy walljumps.

    I'd like to 1vs1 you aswell, You are very good though :O

    Btw forgot to mention my age, Im 16.
    • CommentTimeNov 7th 2009
      0 points
    Are you open to man love? Cause that will get you in fast.
    • CommentTimeNov 7th 2009
      0 points
    Hi there, please fill out the followings:
    1) a/s/l
    2) Post a naked pic of a hot chick.
    3) Repeat 2) until you reach the max letter-limit.
    • CommentTimeNov 7th 2009
      0 points
    16, Male, Adelaide

    am i allowed to post naked girls in this forum ? XD
    not too interested in man love. :\
    • CommentTimeNov 7th 2009 edited
      0 points

    not too interested in man love. :\

    There's only one way to prove it to us... start now!
    • CommentTimeNov 7th 2009 edited
      0 points
    Lolz, thanks ifly, ignore the man rape and Luci will learn to leave you alone real quick (no fun when you don't get a reaction). As for c's comment, posting in the 'teh nakeds' thread is pretty much mandatory once you have been accepted.
    Cheers for the compliment, but I'm nowhere near the best in this clan lolz. I'll put it this way, if I completely whoop your arse in-game, SubJunk will send you to another universe entirely.
    Anyways, to the leaders: I'm very happy with this guy so far but I'ma have a 1v1 before I post my F1 (not that you need my F1, but I like to feel special xD).
    ifly, what time zone are you in?
    Oh, and what is your xfire (If you don't have it, get it. It is mandatory for this clan).

    SubJunk - Rocket teh ninja
    • CommentTimeNov 7th 2009 edited
      0 points
    I have no idea :(
    Adelaide time :|
    its 4:50 if that helps.

    ok ill get it now.