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    • CommentTimeMay 2nd 2009 edited
      0 points
    I'll start:

    Vanilla Sky
    This is one of my all-time favourite movies, I've seen it over 20 times and still love watching it. It's categorized as a psychological thriller. It's basically a mindfuck. It's a remake of a Spanish film "Abre los Ojos" which means Open your Eyes.
    I love it for so many reasons.
    Basically the whole film has an amazing attention to detail, every moment of every scene has meaning and often extra hidden meanings.
    The soundtrack is perfect, and the lyrics to the songs that play are often placed very purposefully to outline what the characters are feeling/thinking but not saying.
    It has great plot-twists and a very surreal atmosphere. It has humour to break up the mindfuck parts. It has romance, violence, sci-fi elements, and the first time you watch it there will be times where you are completely lost but it's the kind of film where you have to just trust that it's going in a cool and interesting direction and let it take you there, instead of getting upset about being lost.
    Throughout the film certain scenes are re-enactments of famous films and album covers and music videos, as well as a lot of subtle number and letter placements that hint to the final outcome.
    Some critics loved it for obvious reasons, and others hated it. The main criticism I've seen is that it has huge ideas and doesn't detail them enough. My response to that criticism is those critics aren't seeing the intention of the film, which is to make you think, not to spoonfeed you your thoughts like most Hollywood crap does. It purposely makes your mind work, and the harder you think about it and investigate it the more you will be rewarded for your efforts because they have thought of everything and hidden many extra things to keep hungry minds satisfied.
    Basically make sure you watch it when you are in the mood to think. It won't relax you if you want that, and it will probably be boring and pointless if you watch it when you're too tired to focus, or if you watch it with noisy people. I know people who have seen it in the wrong mood or setting and hated it, but if I manage to convince them to watch it again properly I've seen those same people fall in love with it and rave about it like I am.

    Runamok: hard to tell if you've hit the crazy dancing guy to be fair
    • CommentTimeMay 2nd 2009
      0 points
    I like the movie Click ^_^ Humor aside, it has one of the best messages ever for society of today imo.
  1.   0 points
    I watched the spanish version 'abre los ojos' with my ex. We both agreed we liked it. Then i dumped her... but it was for a completely unrelated reason :P

    haha made you think i dumped her for liking it
    • CommentTimeMay 2nd 2009
      0 points
    ye, the ending of click made me cry. when he is running out after his duaghter and ex for some reason i cant remember
    • CommentTimeMay 2nd 2009
      0 points
    I hope your joking . . .

    On topic i really liked Green street hooligans it really made me think about how f**cked up some people are and what they will do for the things they believe in.
    • CommentTimeMay 2nd 2009
      0 points
    oh i really really like KiDULTHOOD, its a movie about 15 year olds in Britain involved with sex, drugs, vicious bullies and one of them with the black mafia.

    it starts out when a young pretty girl gets beat up bad (i mean broken nose, cuts to the face) and ends up killing herself in her room, all because she was a virgin). anyway, the hole grade gets a day off to remember her, and this black guy and his friends decide to break into this *killer* bullies house and get his wallet back. when they get there they find his gf and one of them makes out with her, the bully comes back and attacks them but they knock him out with a really old keyboard. they all go to this party and the black bully guy gets revenge by comeing with a baseball bat and kills him and bashes up his friends, the guy that gets killed is related to the mafia so they come and try too shoot the bully but the gun explodes in his hand.

    this is only one side to the story, there are several stories that link up at the end somehow.

    in the end this movie made me very emotional and made me think about it. then i read reviews and found the hole movie was aload of hoarse shit rubbish, but i still liked it :D
    • CommentTimeMay 2nd 2009
      0 points
    PuPPeT:ye, the ending of click made me cry. when he is running out after his duaghter and ex for some reason i cant remember
    Same here it was sad. For like 10 minutes that movie is sad as.
    PuPPeT:then i read reviews and found the hole movie was aload of hoarse shit rubbish, but i still liked it :D
    Lol yeah sometimes that's a seal of approval depending on the critic :tongue:

    Runamok: hard to tell if you've hit the crazy dancing guy to be fair
    • CommentTimeMay 3rd 2009
      0 points
    Unleashed is another good one I think, has Jet Lee in it. I don't really know how to explain why it's a good film though... Sub you'll have to help me out on this one. But it's one of my favourites out of all the movies I've seen.
    • CommentTimeMay 3rd 2009
      0 points
    Hott Fuzz!!!!!!!!!!!

    America can't make movies like that. British comedy > American comedy.
    • CommentTimeMay 3rd 2009
      0 points
    oh another very good movie is death at a funeral.

    its just one of those movies where everything goes wrong.