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    • CommentTimeNov 19th 2011
      0 points
    No Elscorcho. Nobody can say this definitively because it would just be their opinions.
    However, my opinion is that if you want the single player side of it, go MW3. BF3 has an awesome campaign, but it's short and sweet. CoD has always dominated SP imo.
    If you want the multiplayer side of it however, go for BF3 unless you have something against vehicles. The battlefield series has an immense amount of experience in the multiplayer side of the industry. In fact, before BF3 it didn't have campaigns. The closest thing it had to a campaign was singleplayer skirmishes (Something I'm a bit disappointed they removed from BF3), which were essentially multiplayer without being online, and using bots. Playing multiplayer BF3 is simply glorious. Now I'm not saying the MW3 multiplayer is crap (I haven't actually played it yet), but personally I think it's just like all the other multiplayer games out there, but with fancy graphics. It's just foot soldiers, without the added dimension of vehicles (Something only the battlefield series has been able to do well imo).

    So that's my 2c.
    Long story short, SP go MW3, MP go BF3 (unless you don't like the added dimension of vehicles, then go MW3). :cool:

    SubJunk - Rocket teh ninja
    • CommentTimeNov 19th 2011
      0 points
    Oh, and the reason MW3 is graphically better than BF3 on the PS3 (and indeed on the 360) is because MW3 was designed and optimised for console hardware, whereas BF3 was designed and optimised for the PC. BF3 would beat MW3 hands down on the PC imo.

    SubJunk - Rocket teh ninja
    • CommentTimeNov 19th 2011 edited
      0 points
    ill start with MW3, in fact i just did, MW3
    shipping takes awhile but it's free and the games are FARKING cheap. shweet!
    no doubt ill get BF3 at some point soon but i just spent, $250 on ANOTHER tennis racquet (its a painful story), $230 on a new computer chair and i need a laptop ( fully sick lappie $1400 for the config i want) and i will need a new box soon which will cost around $1000.
    which reminds me found this awesome case for a mATX build: mATX case Fractal
    merry fucking x-mas bitches!! :bigsmile:
  1.   0 points
    Rocket:MW3 is a MW2 map pack

    Fixed it for ya, brah.

    I will never play MW3, especially not on console because I can't stand console players in general and especially not CoDfags on console.

    Let me give you an example. On CoD4 for Xbox, if some 12 year old is camping, tubing, or just being an tosspot, the worst thing to come to him is a torrent of abuse from a hormonal horde of high-pitched harassment.

    On PC, if said player was to do the same they would be kicked or banned by an admin in minutes.

    And now they have not learned from their fucking stupid mistakes they made in MW2 by not allowing proper servers in MW3. Sure, you can have buggy dedicated servers but they are unranked. So the only way to level up is to play in P2P servers.

    • CommentTimeNov 19th 2011
      0 points
    Lol, well yes I guess that is true. CoD hasn't changed much (or at all, not really sure on that one. Doesn't seem to have changed at all but I'm sure it has) since Modern Warfare 1. Graphically anyway. The SP is basically the same, but an extension to the story (which I enjoy). I imagine the online gameplay has changed a bit, but I can't comment on that one, never having played online. But I mean, it's all a matter of preference tbh. There's no sense being a fanboy and saying this is better than that, when there really isn't any proof or explanation as to why, except for an opinion.

    SubJunk - Rocket teh ninja
  2.   0 points
    There was a lot of change between MW1 and MW2. MW3 is no joke just a map pack. There were a few small changes to weapons, the HUD etc. but nothing ground-breaking.

    As much as I hate to admit it, the SP is pretty awesome. There is nothing wrong with the online gameplay, I just don't like the people generally who play it. Most PC players are tolerable but I would rather play minesweeper than play CoD online on a console.
    • CommentTimeNov 19th 2011
      0 points
    ChickenPotato:There was a lot of change between MW1 and MW2.
    Oh really? I noticed the dynamics got a lot better, but aside from that I didn't notice any difference. Was it mostly the MP mode that the changes were made to?
    Speaking of little change.. Black Ops was basically a map pack as well imo.

    SubJunk - Rocket teh ninja
  3.   0 points
    It was just little things between MW1 and MW2. It looked a lot better and the movement and stuff was smoother. The weapons and shooting were better too.
    Just like you would expect from a sequel.

    MW3 is just a map pack and not much more.
    • CommentTimeNov 20th 2011
      0 points
    Oh look, I found the battlelog for that match I was talking about. Turns out we had 2 tickets left, not one, but meh... :P
    I'm RocketMaster7 btw.

    SubJunk - Rocket teh ninja
    • CommentTimeNov 20th 2011
      0 points
    lol, Well Done, also agree with the MW3 ripoff, it's a reskinned MW2, literally, some of the game errors say "MW2 has failed to start" it's so funny
    SubJunk: who the hell is Rocket?