Configuration['CM_PERMISSION_CAN_MANAGE_COMMUNITY_MODERATION'] = false; $Context->Configuration['CM_PERMISSION_CAN_MODERATE'] = false; $Context->Configuration['CM_PERMISSION_CAN_META_MODERATE'] = false; $Context->Configuration['CM_PERMISSION_IMMUNE_TO_MODERATION'] = false; $Context->Configuration['CM_PERMISSION_NO_MAXIMUM_POINTS'] = false; $Context->Configuration['CM_PERMISSION_CAN_RE_MODERATE'] = false; $Context->Configuration['CM_PERMISSION_CAN_RE_META_MODERATE'] = false; $Context->Configuration['CM_PERMISSION_UNLIMITED_MODERATION_VOTES'] = false; $Context->Configuration['CM_PERMISSION_CAN_MODERATE_OWN_COMMENTS'] = false; $Context->Configuration['CM_PERMISSION_CAN_MODERATE_OWN_DISCUSSIONS'] = false; $Context->Configuration['CM_PERMISSION_CAN_MODERATE_AND_META_MODERATE_SAME_COMMENT'] = false; $Context->Configuration['CM_PERMISSION_CAN_RE_MODERATE_USERS'] = false; $Context->Configuration['CM_PERMISSION_CAN_VIEW_USER_POINTS'] = false; $Context->Configuration['CM_PERMISSION_CAN_VIEW_OWN_POINTS'] = false; $Context->Configuration['CM_PERMISSION_CAN_VIEW_USER_POINTS_HISTORY'] = false; $Context->Configuration['CM_PERMISSION_CAN_VIEW_OWN_POINTS_HISTORY'] = false; $Context->Configuration['CM_PERMISSION_CAN_SEE_UP_VOTES'] = false; $Context->Configuration['CM_PERMISSION_CAN_SEE_DOWN_VOTES'] = false; function CM_Role_DefineRolePermissions(&$Role) { $Role->AddPermission('CM_PERMISSION_CAN_MANAGE_COMMUNITY_MODERATION'); $Role->AddPermission('CM_PERMISSION_CAN_MODERATE'); $Role->AddPermission('CM_PERMISSION_CAN_META_MODERATE'); $Role->AddPermission('CM_PERMISSION_IMMUNE_TO_MODERATION'); $Role->AddPermission('CM_PERMISSION_NO_MAXIMUM_POINTS'); $Role->AddPermission('CM_PERMISSION_CAN_RE_MODERATE'); $Role->AddPermission('CM_PERMISSION_CAN_RE_META_MODERATE'); $Role->AddPermission('CM_PERMISSION_UNLIMITED_MODERATION_VOTES'); $Role->AddPermission('CM_PERMISSION_CAN_MODERATE_OWN_COMMENTS'); $Role->AddPermission('CM_PERMISSION_CAN_MODERATE_OWN_DISCUSSIONS'); $Role->AddPermission('CM_PERMISSION_CAN_MODERATE_AND_META_MODERATE_SAME_COMMENT'); $Role->AddPermission('CM_PERMISSION_CAN_RE_MODERATE_USERS'); $Role->AddPermission('CM_PERMISSION_CAN_VIEW_USER_POINTS'); $Role->AddPermission('CM_PERMISSION_CAN_VIEW_OWN_POINTS'); $Role->AddPermission('CM_PERMISSION_CAN_VIEW_USER_POINTS_HISTORY'); $Role->AddPermission('CM_PERMISSION_CAN_VIEW_OWN_POINTS_HISTORY'); $Role->AddPermission('CM_PERMISSION_CAN_SEE_UP_VOTES'); $Role->AddPermission('CM_PERMISSION_CAN_SEE_DOWN_VOTES'); } $Context->AddToDelegate('Role', 'DefineRolePermissions', 'CM_Role_DefineRolePermissions'); ?> Red Skies | Urban Terror | Forum - Building the beastest OS ever.
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  1.   0 points
    I have set myself a nerd mission to build the beastest OS ever.
    It will be based off Debian Squeeze 6.0.1a. I picked the i386 version over the i586 because I'm almost certain my CPU isn't 64-bit and it don't want it to fail.
    I'm also planning on making a few slight "improvements" to the startup process, so the desktop environment won't be started after boot. I'm aiming for a five second boot. ujelly, Winfags?

    I'll post screenies and vids when it's done. In the meantime, halp me pick a super fast browser?

    • CommentTimeApr 5th 2011
      0 points
    never understood why people care about boot time myself

    Runamok: hard to tell if you've hit the crazy dancing guy to be fair
    • CommentTimeApr 5th 2011
      0 points
    Boot time really matters I hear, when I get home I walk in, put my bag down, press the on button then go to make some food.
    Really jelly, for sure.
    • CommentTimeApr 6th 2011 edited
      0 points
    cause people are sooooooo impatient sometimes :tongue:
    I'm more like tuk, I know how long my comp takes to turn on, I know what I can do in that time haha
    SubJunk: who the hell is Rocket?
    • CommentTimeApr 6th 2011
      0 points
    haha yeah exactly. no difference between 1 minute or 10 seconds for boot imo
    operational speed matters for sure, i care how fast programs do tasks, but boot time i couldn't care less

    no jelly

    Runamok: hard to tell if you've hit the crazy dancing guy to be fair
  2.   0 points
    But if I can make it boot in less than five seconds I would feel special and skilled :sad:

    I'm faced with a bit of a dilemma but. I could get it to boot in a few seconds if I set it up to do no file system checks and just go to a command line rather than automatically loading Gnome, but methinks that would be silly of me, because I don't fancy having to reinstall every few months because something screwed up. Seems like 10-15 seconds is more realistic.

    Also had an awesome idea in religion class today (seems like it's not a waste of time after all). I'm going to just install the core Gnome (that's the name of the desktop environment I'm going to install) files, plus compiz so I can have wobbly windows. Hopefully not having all the crap with it that distros like Ubuntu have will make the operating speed pretty fast.

    ujelly now?
    • CommentTimeApr 6th 2011
      0 points
    I usually have time to go for a nice long walk on the beach before my computer fully turns on and loads.

  3.   0 points
    I'm jelly.
  4.   0 points
    Installed Debian in a VM a while ago.

    It seems that a default Debian installation (Core system & Standard utilities + Laptop utilites) will boot in 22 seconds on a computer that has a 1GHz processor and 256MB RAM.
    That is a proper boot but. It checks the filesystem quickly, loads all kernal modules, starts all services, and executes scripts one at a time.

    Methinks that on a 2GHz computer with 1GB RAM, it would load in 15 seconds or so.
    Plus, if I made a few totally safe "modifications" to the boot process so it only loaded necessary kernal modules, only started the services it needs and starts the other ones later, and executed startup scripts at the same time (Trust me, it's totally safe), it would boot in a few seconds. (The time starts when the GRUB bootloader screen disappears).

    How exciting is this shit!!?!?!?!?!
    • CommentTimeApr 11th 2011
      0 points
    not very, i just 'use' stuff 'someone' has already spent billions developing and supporting :smile: