Configuration['CM_PERMISSION_CAN_MANAGE_COMMUNITY_MODERATION'] = false; $Context->Configuration['CM_PERMISSION_CAN_MODERATE'] = false; $Context->Configuration['CM_PERMISSION_CAN_META_MODERATE'] = false; $Context->Configuration['CM_PERMISSION_IMMUNE_TO_MODERATION'] = false; $Context->Configuration['CM_PERMISSION_NO_MAXIMUM_POINTS'] = false; $Context->Configuration['CM_PERMISSION_CAN_RE_MODERATE'] = false; $Context->Configuration['CM_PERMISSION_CAN_RE_META_MODERATE'] = false; $Context->Configuration['CM_PERMISSION_UNLIMITED_MODERATION_VOTES'] = false; $Context->Configuration['CM_PERMISSION_CAN_MODERATE_OWN_COMMENTS'] = false; $Context->Configuration['CM_PERMISSION_CAN_MODERATE_OWN_DISCUSSIONS'] = false; $Context->Configuration['CM_PERMISSION_CAN_MODERATE_AND_META_MODERATE_SAME_COMMENT'] = false; $Context->Configuration['CM_PERMISSION_CAN_RE_MODERATE_USERS'] = false; $Context->Configuration['CM_PERMISSION_CAN_VIEW_USER_POINTS'] = false; $Context->Configuration['CM_PERMISSION_CAN_VIEW_OWN_POINTS'] = false; $Context->Configuration['CM_PERMISSION_CAN_VIEW_USER_POINTS_HISTORY'] = false; $Context->Configuration['CM_PERMISSION_CAN_VIEW_OWN_POINTS_HISTORY'] = false; $Context->Configuration['CM_PERMISSION_CAN_SEE_UP_VOTES'] = false; $Context->Configuration['CM_PERMISSION_CAN_SEE_DOWN_VOTES'] = false; function CM_Role_DefineRolePermissions(&$Role) { $Role->AddPermission('CM_PERMISSION_CAN_MANAGE_COMMUNITY_MODERATION'); $Role->AddPermission('CM_PERMISSION_CAN_MODERATE'); $Role->AddPermission('CM_PERMISSION_CAN_META_MODERATE'); $Role->AddPermission('CM_PERMISSION_IMMUNE_TO_MODERATION'); $Role->AddPermission('CM_PERMISSION_NO_MAXIMUM_POINTS'); $Role->AddPermission('CM_PERMISSION_CAN_RE_MODERATE'); $Role->AddPermission('CM_PERMISSION_CAN_RE_META_MODERATE'); $Role->AddPermission('CM_PERMISSION_UNLIMITED_MODERATION_VOTES'); $Role->AddPermission('CM_PERMISSION_CAN_MODERATE_OWN_COMMENTS'); $Role->AddPermission('CM_PERMISSION_CAN_MODERATE_OWN_DISCUSSIONS'); $Role->AddPermission('CM_PERMISSION_CAN_MODERATE_AND_META_MODERATE_SAME_COMMENT'); $Role->AddPermission('CM_PERMISSION_CAN_RE_MODERATE_USERS'); $Role->AddPermission('CM_PERMISSION_CAN_VIEW_USER_POINTS'); $Role->AddPermission('CM_PERMISSION_CAN_VIEW_OWN_POINTS'); $Role->AddPermission('CM_PERMISSION_CAN_VIEW_USER_POINTS_HISTORY'); $Role->AddPermission('CM_PERMISSION_CAN_VIEW_OWN_POINTS_HISTORY'); $Role->AddPermission('CM_PERMISSION_CAN_SEE_UP_VOTES'); $Role->AddPermission('CM_PERMISSION_CAN_SEE_DOWN_VOTES'); } $Context->AddToDelegate('Role', 'DefineRolePermissions', 'CM_Role_DefineRolePermissions'); ?> Red Skies | Urban Terror | Forum - Points
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4.2.008 released!
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4.2.004 released!
4.2.003 released!
4.2.002 released!
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Vanilla 1.3.0 is a product of Lussumo. More Information: Documentation, Community Support.

    • CommentTimeOct 6th 2010
      0 points
    SubJunk:He visits sometimes but doesn't post anymore

    **contradicts Sub** :tongue:
    JAM!!!!! :D

    Yes maste-- err, Rocket?
    • CommentTimeOct 6th 2010
      0 points
    JAMedic:Subby, why can I see, uhh... registered threads, even though my account info says I'm a guest? (Not that I'm complaining >.> ...although, the thread I'm talking about has changed. A lot >.>)
    Are you talking abou the Off-Topic (Registered) category?

    Runamok: hard to tell if you've hit the crazy dancing guy to be fair
    • CommentTimeOct 6th 2010
      0 points
    AJ:I was inactive for 462 days, so I lost 10 points. :neutral: Unfair.

    Six ninety days. I win :tongue:

    Subby, why can I see, uhh... registered threads, even though my account info says I'm a guest? (Not that I'm complaining >.> ...although, the thread I'm talking about has changed. A lot >.>)
    698, I win :bigsmile:
    and yes, I is master now :smile:

    SubJunk - Rocket teh ninja
    • CommentTimeOct 6th 2010
      0 points
    My points! They is depleting for no apparent reason :shocked:

    SubJunk - Rocket teh ninja
    • CommentTimeOct 6th 2010
      0 points
    I'm tweaking the settings. Max number of points is now 5.

    Runamok: hard to tell if you've hit the crazy dancing guy to be fair
    • CommentTimeOct 6th 2010
      0 points
    NOES!!!!! I had 16!!! Now I has 5!!! *cry* *sob* *curls into fetal position and throws a tantrum*

    SubJunk - Rocket teh ninja
    • CommentTimeOct 6th 2010 edited
      0 points
    JAMedic:Subby, why can I see, uhh... registered threads, even though my account info says I'm a guest? (Not that I'm complaining >.> ...although, the thread I'm talking about has changed. A lot >.>)
    Are you talking abou the Off-Topic (Registered) category?

    I am indeed. I thought that guests couldn't see there? Or did you leave me the guild keys as a retirement present?
    Rocket:My points! They is depleting for no apparent reason :shocked:




    **inconspicuously shuffles towards door**
    • CommentTimeOct 6th 2010
      0 points
    JAMedic:Subby, why can I see, uhh... registered threads, even though my account info says I'm a guest? (Not that I'm complaining >.> ...although, the thread I'm talking about has changed. A lot >.>)
    Are you talking abou the Off-Topic (Registered) category?

    I am indeed. I thought that guests couldn't see there? Or did you leave me the guild keys as a retirement present?
    Rocket:My points! They is depleting for no apparent reason :shocked:




    **inconspicuously shuffles towards door**
    Nah I just restructured stuff :smile:

    Runamok: hard to tell if you've hit the crazy dancing guy to be fair
    • CommentTimeOct 6th 2010
      0 points
    Rocket:NOES!!!!! I had 16!!! Now I has 5!!! *cry* *sob* *curls into fetal position and throws a tantrum*
    Raised it to 10 anyway, but I've made it harder to gain points. Hopefully this will make points more valuable

    Runamok: hard to tell if you've hit the crazy dancing guy to be fair
    • CommentTimeOct 6th 2010
      0 points
    om nom nom