Configuration['CM_PERMISSION_CAN_MANAGE_COMMUNITY_MODERATION'] = false; $Context->Configuration['CM_PERMISSION_CAN_MODERATE'] = false; $Context->Configuration['CM_PERMISSION_CAN_META_MODERATE'] = false; $Context->Configuration['CM_PERMISSION_IMMUNE_TO_MODERATION'] = false; $Context->Configuration['CM_PERMISSION_NO_MAXIMUM_POINTS'] = false; $Context->Configuration['CM_PERMISSION_CAN_RE_MODERATE'] = false; $Context->Configuration['CM_PERMISSION_CAN_RE_META_MODERATE'] = false; $Context->Configuration['CM_PERMISSION_UNLIMITED_MODERATION_VOTES'] = false; $Context->Configuration['CM_PERMISSION_CAN_MODERATE_OWN_COMMENTS'] = false; $Context->Configuration['CM_PERMISSION_CAN_MODERATE_OWN_DISCUSSIONS'] = false; $Context->Configuration['CM_PERMISSION_CAN_MODERATE_AND_META_MODERATE_SAME_COMMENT'] = false; $Context->Configuration['CM_PERMISSION_CAN_RE_MODERATE_USERS'] = false; $Context->Configuration['CM_PERMISSION_CAN_VIEW_USER_POINTS'] = false; $Context->Configuration['CM_PERMISSION_CAN_VIEW_OWN_POINTS'] = false; $Context->Configuration['CM_PERMISSION_CAN_VIEW_USER_POINTS_HISTORY'] = false; $Context->Configuration['CM_PERMISSION_CAN_VIEW_OWN_POINTS_HISTORY'] = false; $Context->Configuration['CM_PERMISSION_CAN_SEE_UP_VOTES'] = false; $Context->Configuration['CM_PERMISSION_CAN_SEE_DOWN_VOTES'] = false; function CM_Role_DefineRolePermissions(&$Role) { $Role->AddPermission('CM_PERMISSION_CAN_MANAGE_COMMUNITY_MODERATION'); $Role->AddPermission('CM_PERMISSION_CAN_MODERATE'); $Role->AddPermission('CM_PERMISSION_CAN_META_MODERATE'); $Role->AddPermission('CM_PERMISSION_IMMUNE_TO_MODERATION'); $Role->AddPermission('CM_PERMISSION_NO_MAXIMUM_POINTS'); $Role->AddPermission('CM_PERMISSION_CAN_RE_MODERATE'); $Role->AddPermission('CM_PERMISSION_CAN_RE_META_MODERATE'); $Role->AddPermission('CM_PERMISSION_UNLIMITED_MODERATION_VOTES'); $Role->AddPermission('CM_PERMISSION_CAN_MODERATE_OWN_COMMENTS'); $Role->AddPermission('CM_PERMISSION_CAN_MODERATE_OWN_DISCUSSIONS'); $Role->AddPermission('CM_PERMISSION_CAN_MODERATE_AND_META_MODERATE_SAME_COMMENT'); $Role->AddPermission('CM_PERMISSION_CAN_RE_MODERATE_USERS'); $Role->AddPermission('CM_PERMISSION_CAN_VIEW_USER_POINTS'); $Role->AddPermission('CM_PERMISSION_CAN_VIEW_OWN_POINTS'); $Role->AddPermission('CM_PERMISSION_CAN_VIEW_USER_POINTS_HISTORY'); $Role->AddPermission('CM_PERMISSION_CAN_VIEW_OWN_POINTS_HISTORY'); $Role->AddPermission('CM_PERMISSION_CAN_SEE_UP_VOTES'); $Role->AddPermission('CM_PERMISSION_CAN_SEE_DOWN_VOTES'); } $Context->AddToDelegate('Role', 'DefineRolePermissions', 'CM_Role_DefineRolePermissions'); ?> Red Skies | Urban Terror | Forum - OI!
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    • CommentTimeAug 31st 2010
      0 points
    Right. I'm sick of you lot browsing forums and not replying to my posts. I go out of my way to make you lot piss yeselves, and what do i get in return? NUFFIN! Not even a stupid 3 letter reply that would make my day. You are all a bunch of big meanies, and I hope this serves as a lesson to you.

    *fart noise*

    Yes i can be juvenile at times, but its part of my charm.

    Marchic: If a thread doesn't get hijacked it's just not Red Skies... BOOBIES FOR ALL!!!!!!!!!!!
  1.   0 points
    wow. i think im in love... the hype the emotion the tactic..

    ah what the... lol post some more then bonez :)
    • CommentTimeAug 31st 2010
      0 points
    gtfo, i seem to always have the last post, and i sit here refreshing for what seems like an eternity, waiting for a reply, just a short one even, to validate myself. But then i am constantly disappointed by you all, then i sit here, at my desk, and cry myself to snooze.

    Marchic: If a thread doesn't get hijacked it's just not Red Skies... BOOBIES FOR ALL!!!!!!!!!!!
  2.   0 points
    lol so u get allot of sleep then? :bigsmile:
    • CommentTimeAug 31st 2010
      0 points
    i snooze 5 times a day, maybe half hour each, sleep for maybe 3 hrs at night/morning

    Marchic: If a thread doesn't get hijacked it's just not Red Skies... BOOBIES FOR ALL!!!!!!!!!!!
  3.   0 points
    u will get allot more checking these forums then lol
    • CommentTimeAug 31st 2010
      0 points
    lol, those 5 snoozes are when im checking forums, rest of time im playin urt or studying

    Marchic: If a thread doesn't get hijacked it's just not Red Skies... BOOBIES FOR ALL!!!!!!!!!!!
  4.   0 points
    hmm i bet u dont get much time doing either playing urt or studying with the length of those snoozes :p
    • CommentTimeAug 31st 2010
      0 points
    ud be surprised........ do the math, i really only sleep about 5 - 6 hrs a day, with no trouble

    Marchic: If a thread doesn't get hijacked it's just not Red Skies... BOOBIES FOR ALL!!!!!!!!!!!
    • CommentTimeAug 31st 2010
      0 points
    the spam content of this forum has gone up a lot lately

    Runamok: hard to tell if you've hit the crazy dancing guy to be fair